Saturday, February 20, 2010

itchy scalp hair dye

Information for beauty products now brings you answers on how to help the biggest hair problem there is other than hair thinning or hair loss. Most of our customers that need hair helps have either dry scalp, dandruff or itchy scalp which is often times scalp psoriasis and this scalp problem can have been around for years. We have found that many times the scalp problems can be due to the current hair products that they are using on their scalp. Some of these products are very harsh since the cleansing agent that they use is often very harsh. People with scalp problems should stay away from Sodium laurel sulfate as well as Ammonium laurel sulfate and we strongly suggest that they learn about the other ingredients that are involved in making hair care products. Sodium laureth sulfate is much gentler on the scalp and works to cleanse so that there does not get an abundance of deep bacteria on the root of the hair which can cause serious hair problems and in many women and men it can cause thinning.

If you are experiencing hair loss or thinning hair then we strongly suggest a hair follicle analysis that is done through the microscopes to help determine what may be causing your hair problems. These analyses are very inexpensive at around $39 and can point you in the right direction for solving your hair problems. They also come with product recommendations.

For dry scalp problems we have tried many different products and have found that u sing a product just one time is not enough to get to the heart of the problem but instead a daily regimen is best for your hair makeover. Using a shampoo followed by a conditioner that is rich in oil is the best way to get the moisture of the scalp and the hair up. We strongly recommend emu oil products and products with jojoba oil but remember that most companies that manufacture these products use very little oil so it is important to find a products that uses a substantial amount of oil. Over about 3 weeks you will see that your hair and scalp conditions get better almost daily until it is no longer a problem at all.

For dandruff we believe that we have found the best product to help with dandruff and the good news is that this product is natural based and this means that there are not any tars or medication in the shampoo. This also means that you can use the shampoo and conditioner for as long as you like without any harsh side effects. Most people don’t realize that you are not supposed to use the T gels and Head and Shoulders regularly. The new natural based anti itch and anti dandruff shampoo can be used as often as you like without and negative effects. That is huge but it is even better to know that we have seen the scalp get better and stay that way and that means that we don’t have keep using it every day like the medicated shampoos and conditioners. For those that suffer from dandruff that will make your day if not you year as dandruff can be tough in many people and very persistent. The product that we recommend is Follicleanse

For scalp itch that is associated with scalp psoriasis or red bumps that flake we strongly suggest that you use Follicleanse shampoo. As a matter of fact the company was founded off Follicleanse Shampoo since the owner has had problems with scalp psoriasis. His frontal scalp at the hair line was thinning and flaking due to scalp psoriasis. After using this thyme, sage, fenugreek based herbal shampoo for several weeks it all went away. He has found that excess white sugar makes him breakout very little but it does make him breakout and these break outs are quickly and easily handled with Follicleanse natural based shampoo. Give it a try and find out for yourself!

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